60/40 Balanced (UTSBX)

How it works

Static investment options remain in the stated allocations for the life of the account unless you request an option change, which can only occur twice per calendar year.

The 60/40 Balanced investment option allocates your money to a mix of 60% equity and 40% fixed income and capital preservation. It aims for growth through a higher allocation to stocks while keeping 40 percent invested in fixed income and principal preservation funds in order to help decrease the impact that stock market volatility can have on account balances. The ticker symbol for this option is UTSBX.

Allocations for the 60/40 Balanced investment option

60-40 Balanced investment option allocation


View the my529 Investment Option Performance Table.


Read the Program Description, Part 7, Investment Information, for information about specific risks for the underlying investments in the 60/40 Balanced investment option.


View my529’s fee tables.




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