For Grandparents

Make college a possibility for your grandchild. Open a my529 account today.

Accounts are free to open and flexible

  • There is no charge to open an account.
  • No initial or ongoing contribution is required.
  • A variety of investment options.
  • You control the account.
  • You decide how much and how often to contribute.
  • When it’s time for college, you—not the beneficiary—request withdrawals.
grandparent with grandchild

Tax benefits

  • Account earnings grow deferred from federal and Utah state income tax. This means any earnings in your account are not taxed as they accumulate.
  • Individual Utah taxpayers can claim a Utah state income tax credit for contributions to their accounts, up to a certain limit.
  • Withdrawals are exempt from federal and Utah state income taxes when used to pay for qualified higher education expenses, including eligible K-12 expenses, of your beneficiary.

Invite gifts

Enroll in the my529 Gift Program after you open an account.

Let others view your account

  • Grant read-only online access.
  • Parents, grandchildren, and others can see your account balance, investment option, and other details.
  • You remain in control.

If you prefer not to open an account

  • You can still contribute to a my529 account owned by another person.
  • Mail a check to my529 with the account number and beneficiary’s name written on the front.
  • Or ask the account owner to set up an online gift page on his or her account via the Gift Program.